Water is the foundation of life. Local streams and reservoirs are used for drinking water, wildlife habitat, recreation, and a number of ecosystem services. Uncontrolled stormwater often picks up pollutants and contaminants left by chemicals, bacteria, and sediment, and carries them to our waterways, leaving them polluted and unsafe for both humans and wildlife. The Federal Clean Water Act and Pennsylvania's Municipal Separate Storm Sewer (MS4) Program serve to reduce the quantity of pollutants that stormwater transfers to our waterways. While MS4 permits regulate over 1,000 jurisdictions in Pennsylvania, everyone's help is needed to keep our waterbodies safe and clean. For more information about state and federal water programs and tips for protecting our waterbodies, please see the resources below.
Greener Car Maintenance
Landscaping and Lawn Maintenance
Pollution Reduction and Flood Mitigation
Property Maintenance
Streamside Buffers