Bulk Trash Collection

Appliances & Furniture 

Large items such as furniture, certain appliances, or mattresses can be disposed of in the trash. One bulk item per week, per household. There is no additional cost to you for this service. See Refrigerators, Freezers, and Air Conditioners below for more.


Due to the risk of bed bugs, mattresses and box springs must be enclosed in mattress bags in order to be picked up. Mattress bags are available for purchase at major retails such as Lowes and Home Depot. 

Refrigerators, Freezers, and Air Conditioners

Please contact Opdenaker customer service to schedule a day for trash pickup: 610.459.3515

Anything with FREON in them must be specified when scheduling pick up day.

Contact Us 

For more information or assistance, please contact Bethel Township at 610-459-1529; 0.