General Information
Township Engineer
Matt Houtmann
Phone Numbers
(610) 459-1529 x2
Fax: (610) 459-2921
Emergencies: Dial 911
1092 Bethel Road
Garnet Valley,

Monday - Friday
9:00am - 3:00pm

Do Not Knock Registry

Bethel Township requires peddlers and transient merchants to obtain a solicitation permit as per Ordinance No. 240.  When soliciting door to door, the peddler must carry a valid permit.  The “Do Not Knock” registry is designed to prohibit for-profit peddlers from knocking on your door.  Groups that are exempt include those that seek donations of money or property when conducted as part of an officially sponsored fund-raising program.  This may include the following:

  • Volunteer fire and emergency medical services
  • Members of little league and petticoat leagues (when in uniform and accompanied by a coach or leader)
  • Boy scouts and girl scouts (when in uniform and accompanied by a coach or leader)
  • Individuals advocating charitable, religious, civic, and political causes

The “Do Not Knock” registry should not replace common and reasonable measures to prevent unwanted solicitation and peddling, such as posting “No Solicitation” signs.

When registering for this service, you waive any claims or causes of action against the Township, its elected officials, employees, or agents, arising out of the implementation or management of the “Do Not Knock” registry.  The Township does not warrant, guarantee, or promise that peddlers or solicitors will comply with the “Do Not Knock” registry, or that residents will be free from undesirable peddling and solicitation activities.  The Township is not responsible for incorrect information provided.

If a suspicious person is on your property, please call 9-1-1.
